Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011 (Mother's Day)

The most frequent question I'm asked over the past week is, "How are you and Lucas doing?" There are several ways I could answer from the obligatory "good" to a thoughtful and TMI response that causes the listener to glaze over.  But every time, from my heart I say, "I always appreciated Jeanne but I now appreciate her so much more." 

As a man, stereotypically speaking, I'm not expected to multi-task.  And in business I do a fair job of it and at home I never thought much about it...'til this week.  Whoa!  There's, of course, just getting me ready...then, the dog, then Lucas (not necessarily in that order depending on the day).  There's household duties, school and homework activities, scouts, church, life group, and other activities, volunteer responsibilities, communicating with my wife and son in another country and time zone as well as communication/play with my son here and a business to run.  Don't get me wrong...I'm not whining or wallowing in fact, far from it...I'm enjoying the challenge and grateful that my wife loves and trusts me to handle it.  I'm also very humbled by it and amazed by her who does this day in and day out quite naturally.  I am also grateful that she's in Ukraine taking care of business and our son Jason.  And all my gratefulness is to the Lord.

In fact, I truly appreciate Jeanne more than I ever had.  I don't know if I took her for granted...I sure I do...I also think I just don't truly realize what it takes spiritually, emotionally and physically to do it all.  And she does.  I hope my empathy will go to a new level and I'll be an even better dad and husband when we're all together again.

More than that, Jeanne is the Best Mom in the World for Lucas and Jason! And you know what, these boys know it.  I knew Jeanne would be a great mom soon after we first met.  She is a Proverbs 31 woman (read it) and God has blessed me with a wonderful best friend and lover as well as mom to our boys.  One here who really misses her.  During a heart-to-heart at bedtime, Lucas says he misses being told by mom that she loves him, laughing, playing games, making cookies and snuggle.  Jason is discovering too what a great mom Jeanne is in this special and short time they have together in Kyiv. 

She provides them love, guidance, encouragement and support...all a mother could be. 

What a difference a week can make since we said goodbye at the airport. 

How I thank God for you...2 Timothy 1:3 (TLB).  We miss you and love you, Sweetie.

Have a blessed and happy Mothers Day!


  1. What a beautiful testimony on Mother's Day. May I add, Jeanne is also an amazing sister!.

    Love you guys!

  2. Everything sounds so great, on both continents! You all are juggling such important happenings at the same time, which are made easier because of the obvious love emmanating from each task. You are doing what few could do so well. Be safe Jeanne and Jason - return home soon! Hang in there Dave and Lucas - Mom will be home soon!
    Love, Nan

  3. Absolutely beautiful post, Dave!

  4. oh dave - what wonderful words. i'm in tears, knowing you speak the truth! i miss you all!!!
