Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9, 2011

Back to the 'hood' for Jason.

Between not enough Ukrainian/Russian spoken in the apartment and the fact that 2 doesn't make a crowd (at least when you're used to an orphanage-type crowd) it seemed like a good idea to visit to the orphanage. The first visiting since Emancipation Day last Wednesday.

We took advantage of the Victory Day (for WWII) holiday and visited the kids yesterday and today.

Today we went with the Boehr's and on the way back we landed in Independence Square to catch some of Victory Day.

At first I thought this was the old guard doing security detail.....

It became apparent this was part of the celebration's photo opportunity:

We all are impressed that Independence Square in Maiden is utilized every weekend for some kind of gathering, competition or celebration. This stage has been up and used since we arrived March 16. Today the traditional dances, songs and celebrations took front and center.

Huge crowds on a gorgeous day proud of their contribution to winning the war.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos, Jeanne! With the busyness of life back here in Minnesota, I'm having trouble keeping up with my blog life. I've enjoyed catching up on your blog and what your family it up to in both MN and Ukraine!
