Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Meanwhile back at the ranch.....

A box came from Seoul, South Korea - thank you Jennifer! The gift was filled with Korean salty snacks and candy plus socks for both boys.

Lucas is modeling a pair of the socks. The design fit perfectly with the main cast of his 2nd grade musical at school this year (animals):

While Sadie awaits a day at the spa. Uh, well, uh the groomer......

Today was Grandparent's Day at school. A day for second graders to honor those very special people in their lives. The ones God gave us to shower with love and blessings.

Yesterday 140 second graders and the wonderful Mrs. Herman performed the music program:
Unity Tree - Cats and Dogs. The boys dressed as dogs and the girls dressed as cats.

Today the grandparents got to see the really big show. (Many thanks to aunt Celeste for making the fab lab ears and tail.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

During the waiting period for the adoption process to be complete one question gets asked more than others: What is Jason (Sasha) doing until he 'gets out'?

Biking. The number one thing he tells us when we talk by phone is biking. Number two is biking with friends.

Another favorite: Legos.

And, there are very special times. The Moore family generously invited Jason to go with them as they took Anya and Samuel (with an orphanage chaperon) to a nearby Dolphin show. When we called later that day Jason told us that he had a great time. One highlight was that he was able to touch dolphin. Ever since the visit to the show he treats Lucas to dolphin voices over the phone.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Luke 24:34:


We read on another family's blog about Easter in Kiev: At 12:00 Midnight Easter Sunday morning the churches in the city rang their bells in unison for 15 minutes.......imagine the glorious sound of celebration that our Lord is risen and lives to reign forever more........

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dictionary definition for the word 'limbo':

       An intermediate, transitional or midway, state or place.

That sums it up!

When we call Jason (Sasha) each day there are two things he consistently asks:
1.) "Where Lucas?"
2.) "Mom, you come to me _____(today, the number was "9") days?"

Now, for the first daily question our usual answer is that Lucas is at school. Today, being a Saturday, we had Lucas ready. Lucas has perfected his Eastern European accent by now so we get a good chuckle when the two brothers talk to each other. They have worked out their own dialogue and it's fun to listen to. We have captured some of the banter on video as it will be great to hear in the future.

Now, for the second daily question. When we verify his countdown accuracy to Jeanne's arrival Jason inevitably says with a measure of disappointment "That many days? That big wait!" Jeanne mercifully and wisely resists the temptation to comment to the contrary. Her 'tasks to complete before travel' list is greater than the days to finish them! More importantly it's always heartening to hear Jason's eagerness and know that he pines for he his new life and family.

One big blessing is coming Jason's way tomorrow (Sunday). The Moore family (adopting Anya and Artium) have invited him to attend the dolphin show - an attraction we drove by on the bus each day to the orphanage. Bless you, Moore's!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

With the addition of Jason (Sasha) to our family, we can say things we couldn't say before like:
  • "Our Family is doubling the amount of children we have." or
  • "The four of us will be attending church." or
  • "Half of us will be flying from Kiev back to the U.S. on May 21st."                                           
...Cool sounding things like that.

The travel plans are official:

May 1st:  Jeanne will fly out from Minneapolis on Sunday, May 1st at 12:46 PM and land in Kiev on Monday, May 2nd at 1:15 PM.

May 21st:  Jeanne and Jason (or the Double J ) will fly back from Kiev on Saturday, May 21st at 5:35 AM and land in Minneapolis the same day at 6:29 PM.

The length of time to complete the adoption process had to be extended due to the amount of national Ukraine holidays in May where offices are closed (including the U.S. Embassy). Naturally, we are praying that everything goes faster than planned so we can come back home sooner.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Back in the planning phase, 2 weeks sounded like a long time! Two weeks between trips to Ukraine seemed like 'long enough' to get some things in place like: packing clothes and toiletries for Jason (Sasha) since his only belongings are in a tiny little box;  home and business preparation, and tasks including preparing Lucas and Dave; help my ever patient co-chair for the school arts night (bless you, Stacey) and pack myself. Whoops, there's that stressed feeling......

While the clock ticks loudly and fast over here, evidently on the other side of the pond it's crawling.

We were told this morning that the time seems to be dragging.....

When we talked to Jason (Sasha)......he seemed down.  And when we asked him about how he sounded, he said the wait feels long. We talked about how we all became used to being together every day. How we miss having lunch and tea time with him as well as playing games and playing outside. We know the orphanage has a few families visiting each day and that seems to be a reminder of what he had just a few days ago and what he is missing now.

There's probably some boredom without the routine of school.  Jason thinks not going to his Ukraine school is cool.  However, the very structure of it, daily activities and friends are probably the anitode for the boredom.  Before we left, we asked the orphanage to put him back in school. They expressed reluctance since they signed documents officially removing him from school - we pressed but it's their choice. 

We have gone from him asking us every day "When is sort (court)?" to "When you come back? Nine day? Eight day?" That's one part of the orphanage life that has a prison-like feel.

Even earlier this morning Dave and I were reminded that we need to continue our diligence and sense of urgency in praying for covering and protection for the rest of process. Background: When we brought Lucas home from the hospital (almost 8 years ago), there was a collective sigh of relief as well as joy while we waited for the adoption to be final.  The birthmother was beginning her new life and we were beginning ours. However, while waiting for the court decree, we let our guard down because we had him and thought it was over.  However, there was a lot of turmoil and disruption along the way.  It wasn't over.
Yesterday, in doing some research for Jason's passport, we read on the U.S. Embassy website that the 10-day waiting period for receiving the document known as the court decree is actually a period of time opening the adoption for an appeal. The Embassy indicates that appeals in adoptions are rare! We believe it and more than that we trust the Lord.  We believe it is His will to adopt Jason as it was to adopt Lucas. And that is why we are watchful and prayerful - the enemy is the enemy. To quote Yogi Berra:  "It ain't over 'til it's over."

Then the LORD said to me, "You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word." Jermiah 1:12

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day one of re-entry - curious why the transition forward is so much easier than coming back. Lucas got 10 hours sleep...PTL, I got 8 hours and Jeanne go about 5.  I was almost up in the middle of the night too but managed to fight off the urge to think and stay awake.  It's hard when it's 3 AM but your mind /body says it's 11 AM.

Lucas was very much looking forward to school.  We all walked...well, Lucas mainly ran with Sadie on the leash.  Sadie was also excited to go to school again.  We heard later the kids in his class all, at the same time, gave him a big hug...and he said he fell down with them all on top of him.  They and Mrs. Kratz, his teacher, were also happy to get chocolate from Ukraine...mmm...mmm...good!

Jeanne and I called Sasha this morning (just before 6 pm his time). Natasha, the orphanage social worker answered.  It's interesting calling on this side of our visit to the orphanage.  We now know all the staff, the children, the orphanage layout and schedule.  Its very comfortable calling.

Sasha was very energized and animated in tone when talking with us.  I think that the legalization of the adoption and his knowing Jeanne is coming back to get him as well as he'll be in MN soon brings him a lot of security and too. He talked about his day, activities like soccer, going to the market, etc.  without much prompting on our part.

Today was a transition day for us...organizing, settling in.  I also already started researching the RT flight for Jeanne and a 1-way flight back for Sasha.  I looked in to Adoption fares offered by Delta.  They're not easy-to-do-business on this.  Agents don't know about it or the specifics of it.  And it's not a great deal plus your entire flight needs to be Delta and not one of their why bother offering it...b/c you have to fly KLM from Amsterdam to Kyiv.  It's a thanks but "no thanks" situation.

Our friends the Landrys, who are adopting a little boy at the orphange, recommended a travel agency Golden Rule Travel.  I called...explained and within the hour got a potential itinerary that could work with a one-way fare at approx $500 vs. those listed on Expedia or Delta at $2200.  Still need to finalize with Golden Rule but definitely heading in this direction.

Our extended family rocks!  The prepared meals they left us is a lifesaver.  Excellent food and great to have at the end of a day when the jet lagbegins to kick in. 

After dinner we did a bit of yard work in the back, had a fire pit going where Lucas did his school work by.  God bless to all.  We continue to covet your prayers as we prepare for round 2 which starts May 1st.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A powerful welcome home today (after our 9 hour flight from Amsterdam).

It started with the greeting and ride from the airport (thank you, Judy).
It continued with the yard sign, cheer and visiting from neighbors (thank you, Heidi & Mike).
Playtime and visits for Lucas from great neighbor kids (thank you Kaitlyn, Emma, Lara, Alex, Katie, Mikaela and Ella).
And went on with the crockpot of yummy stew filling the kitchen with homey smells and a visit (thank you, Julie and Geno).
It grew with help of Chinese casserole, brownies and milk and visiting (Thank you, Mom and Jackie)
And grew with more visiting and wild rice soup, rolls and cookies (Thank you, T, Celeste and kids)

We are blessed to have family and friends that support, encourage and pray. And grateful for pre-trip advice (Thank you Heath and Ginger). For every email, blog post, card or letter, donation and offer to help - we know who are and are thankful!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

This blog is coming ‘live’ from the bathroom of room #712 at the Dorint Hotel Amsterdam. We have a 15 hour layover and Lucas is asleep in the ‘bedroom’ so we are camped out in a very euro-style bathroom with our laptops, glasses of cabernet and wireless internet access…..ah the luxury of conveniences…. .or is it the convenience of luxury.
Well, almost luxury…..on the plane ride from Kiev to Amsterdam this afternoon we experienced one of those precious husband/wife moments of miscommunication. Dave expressed how glad he was to be able to check all of the baggage through to Minneapolis. Jeanne acted as if she was hearing the news for the first time. Dave’s carry-on is filled with everything necessary for his overnight stay. Jeanne and Lucas’ carry-on is not…..therefore, a little shopping for cosmetics and toiletries in Schipol Airport.

We have come to adore Sasha’s expressions of genuine joy upon our arrival. Today was a little different as we embraced the sweet sound of adaptation:

“Hi Mum! Hi Ded! Me no Sasha, please me Jason!”

We spent a couple of hours at the orphanage this morning – our last day. We knew we had to manage time well and it was reinforced when we saw how sad Jason was today. We brought a laptop to show him pictures – especially the ones he took yesterday when he was with us during his furlough to Kyiv with us. His friends gathered around and he proudly showed them the shots from his travels to the riverfront, our apartment and Maidan. He then navigated them through pictures from home in the States and pictures we took at the orphanage over the last 5 weeks.

The other dimension of the day was seeing some of our favorite staff at the orphanage (Anna, Tatiana the children's worker, Natasha-the cook) and the children we all grew to love. Part of our time was saying goodbye to them.  It was also a beautiful day. Part of our visit was playing outside with the younger as well as older children on the playground and soccer. Even Jessie (orphanage dog) gave long hugs.

When it was time to say “Good-bye” to Sasha, we held on tight.  He held on tight. We gave lots of kisses. He kept saying "I love you! I love you!" How hard it was to go!

We were sad too. Even though everything about today was in our normal routine it felt like things do when we are doing them for the last time. Wanting to capture every last detail and lock it away, Hoping that the sites, smells, sounds and feelings can be contained so we can take them out and relive them over and over.

We are so thankful that as we left the soil of Ukraine today - Sasha's soil - that we can safely knowing the court is complete, we only need the decree and he is ours and we are his.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011 (updated)

The court is completed!!! Sasha Koshevyy is now Jason Sasha Ritzman.......Details to follow!
Today began with  a lot of peace.  We know this day was bathed in prayer thanks to all of our family, friends and prayer partners. Praise the Lord...for all He has done!

We met Sasha at the orphanage early this morning so we could ride with Sergei and Natasha. We all experienced a little anxiousness but Sasha felt it more.  On the drive to the courthouse the orphanage Social Worker (Natasha) reviewed with Sasha (in Ukrainian) the purpose of the meeting and then, role-played typical questions that the Judge who ask him. Sasha was wearing the weight of the day even visibly. He told us he had not slept well the night before. We are sure that Sasha has heard stories of the judge's quarters from other children and the Lord knows what is exchanged among them.

Lucas was nervous too and his was if the judge would ask him any questions - he told Sasha he didn't want to answer wrong and get Sasha in trouble. Sasha assured Lucas in typical Sasha fashion: Iss okay, iss Ukraine!

The courthouse building as seen below (picture before court) was nothing like we imagined it.  There are many, many impressive buildings in this huge city so we had our sites set high. While this doesn't look like much, the authority of the court hung in the atmosphere of the place. Inside the building was hopping.  After going through security, we went upstairs to the judges offices. The office, like most legal offices in Kiev, was very tight. The judge sat behind a workstation that she shared with a court recorder and a judicial clerk. The 7 of us sat in a very tight semi-circle extended from the workstation.

We waited nearly an hour with Natasha, our lawyer (Victor) and a Social Worker from Juvenile Services (Anna...sweet young woman).  It was nearing lunch hour, the Judge was behind schedule and it is a Friday: recipe for "hurry up" as well as potential tension. Not to be dramatic (forgive me, I, Dave am reading a Grisham book), we heard the Judge (Tatiana Doshekeviavenakoviwannamylunch) could be in a good mood or a not.......

When the lawyer shows tension it's hard not to get tense. When the lawyer expresses frustration it's hard not to get frustrated. We were finally summoned in. There was a crowd of us (nothing compared to that Boehr group...just teasing Bruce and Jill - congratulations to you all for getting a quick court date).

The proceedings were formal and the Judge's pace rather quick - it was almost surrieal as Victor tried to keep up in the translation so we would understand the proceedings and be ready for 'our part'.  We answered basic questions demographic in nature.  Sasha and Lucas sat in one chair together. People came and went out of the office without even knocking. At one point, a woman came into the room and distracted everyone as she admired how cute the boys were and asked "Dva?" meaning in are you adopting two....

The judge basically read from a script in a book for us and was pointedly business-like.

But, when she came to Sasha's part everything changed. She called him to her side of the desk so they could see each other eye to eye. Her affect became much more animated and had a distinct maternal tone. The fast pace she kept in the beginning slowed a bit. She began asking him questions about his English (he said he spoke 'chooch' which means 'a little'). She asked how when he came to the orphanage (he said he didn't remember).  She asked how he got to the orphanage (his grandmother) and did she come to visit (no) and where was she now (hospital). She went on and asked him was he sure he wanted to go to America (yes) and did he realize how hard it would be to learn another language (yes but he would have help). The interview was the hardest part of the morning. It was also one of the most touching times we can remember.

When Sasha was done Victor prompted me and then, Jeanne to officially submit our request to adopt Sasha and change his name to Jason Sasha Ritzman.  We both individually stood up, addressed her as 'your honor' and made our requests all the while Victor translated. 

Back to her script the judge said she would take the customary time to decide.  We began to leave the office to wait for the decision in the foyer. Then...all of a sudden as we single-filed out of her office she said something in Ukrainian (or Russian, we are not still not sure). As we prepared ourselves for an additonal wait suddenly Victor then Natasha then Anna said "Congratulations"! The customary 10-15 minute wait had been judiciously overruled.  That was it! The judge decided what The Heavenly Judge had decided long ago - Sasha is ours and he is called Jason!

The picture immediately after court-Lucas-Natasha-Jeanne-Jason-Dave-Victor-Anna (The Team).  Sergei (driver) took the picture. Igor (our leader) and Tatiana (Orphange Director) were busy elsewhere.

Dave, Jeanne and a reluctant Lucas sped off to the US Embassy with Victor to see if we could get a document notarized.  Sasha and the rest went to the orphanage.  Igor then graciously loaned Natasha as chaperone to bring Sasha back to Kyiv to celebrate Sasha's dream that he explained every day for months: "go to the McDonald's...go to your apartment".  Oh the joy for each one of us when we met Sasha at the subway station by the McDonalds on the Dnipro River...Awesome! 

After a leisurely meal, we rode the tram up near St. Michaels church with Sasha in photoprapher mode snapping the most interesting shots and repeatedly saying in English, "This is my favorite day"! Great joy! At the apartment, the boys made tea for everyone and played on the computer.  After 2 hours we walked Sasha and Natasha to the Maidan Station via the ice cream stand with hugs and kisses until tomorrow when, as Sasha says: "Tomorrow, You come to me?" Yes, Sasha and in a few weeks - you come to us....
We'll continue the blog...the journey's half over.  On Saturday, we leave for Amersterdam at 5:30 PM where we'll sleep in the city on a lay-over and on Sunday we'll arrive at MSP at 12:30 PM.

Jeanne'll be back to Kiev around the 1st.  Then the transition to America and journey of life will continue. For every prayer, note of encouragement, email of updates and call of support we bless you and thank you a thousand times over.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A bit warmer today with sun coming out too.  It's starting to feel like Spring again in least for the day...'cause, "Iss ukay...iss Ukraine."

We were glad to see the Moore family finally at the orphanage.  They had their first supervised visit with a Juvenile Services Social Worker and got lots done with their lawyer...good progress and a happy family reunited.

As we entered the orphanage gate to the grounds, Jessie ran to Lucas. She jumped up on him and hugs him with her two front legs around his shoulders.  It's cute...kinda like Elliott and ET.  They are also very protective of one another.  Lucas watches after her that she is safe from other dogs, doesn't chase cats (as she does), isn't chased off herself as she was by a Babushka after she barked at her.  Lucas called her a "mean grandma."

It was great to see Sasha as usual.  We hung out 50/50 outdoors and indoors in the "play" area next to their dining hall (most of our indoor pictures for the past couple weeks are taken there).  Outside was bicycling, scooter, swing, climbing and a little soccer.  Indoors was playing on the pull up bars/ladders, in the tub full of sensory balls as well as our new dice game and tea-cookies. 

Yesterday, the music teacher, a delightful woman, sat at her piano (in the play area) and sampled many selections of music on her CD player for an upcoming concert that children will perform.  Some of the music was absolutely American or Canadian as in the case of a Bryan Adams song.  We started to spontaneously do a little karaoke, bouncin' to the beat and then, breakin' out in dance.  It was fun and the music teacher encouraged us too.  Little did she know what she was encouraging.

We talked with Sasha and Lucas about court tomorrow.  We're all mostly excited but still prayin' it through.  Igor just called me, as I was posting, to review the timeline. We ask God to go before us to prepare the way and set His ambushments against the enemy.  We invite His presence to be upon us all (including the Judge) during this meeting/court time.  And we trust Him and give Him all the glory for what He's done and will do.

Thank you for your continued prayers.  We so treasure them as does the Lord!

Psalm 145:3 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Today, we had a very helpful meeting with Igor, our adoption coordinator. It was helpful because we covered all of our timelines from here on out including transportation to court and the airport, lodging for Jeanne upon her return to Kyiv and the final leg that concludes with both Jeanne and Sasha flying home.

The schedule from here:
  • Friday, April 15th at 11:20 AM--Dave, Jeanne, Lucas and Sasha plus 2 more - our attorney and the orphanage social worker - will meet with the judge to legalize the adoption.
  • On April 27th the adoption decree (as it is called) that finalizes the adoption will be issued and available for receipt.
  • Since only one parent is needed after the court date is completed, we decided that Jeanne would fly back around May 1st and get Sasha, complete paperwork and bring him home. (May 1st is after a 10-day waiting period for the decree to be processed plus 4 other days of country holidays including Easter where government offices are closed.)  This is how Igor and us arrived at the May 1st date.
  • The adoption decree is what we use to obtain Sasha's re-issued birth certificate, his exit medical exam, his U.S. passport and an interview from the U.S. Embassy. This typically takes about 12 days to complete which puts us at a mid-May timeframe.
Back to the immediate future: We begin travel back to the U.S. this Saturday, April 16th and arrive in the Cities on Sunday, April 17th in the afternoon. It is bittersweet. Once again, we say goodbye to Sasha (with greater assurance of our future!). For Dave and Lucas, it will be a final goodbye to the orphanage children, staff, Jessie the dog and Ukraine. Not to say that we wouldn't return for a visit some time.  Thank goodness for memories embedded in the blog, pictures and emails.

Times with other adopting families and their children have become precious relationships to hold onto not only for us but our Ukrainian illustrated below in playing a dice game:

  And where, might one ask, is the other child in our family? Take a guess...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011 Time For More Prayer

Any guesses at what this is a picture of?

If you guessed the Ukrainian Rada (parliament) your answer is 100% correct!

Now why would we post this picture today? It's about government and here's why:

Alert: Ukraine Adoption                     From the U.S. State Department

On the evening of April 7, 2011, President Yanukovych signed a Decree transferring all functions of, the State Department for Adoption and Protection of the Rights of the Child (SDA-- the current central adoption authority of Ukraine), to the Ministry for Social Policy. We do not yet know how the implementation of this transfer will affect processing of adoption cases. Whether SDA will be able to continue processing currently filed cases remains unclear.
We will keep monitoring the situation and will provide updates as they become available.

According to SDA, there are now 134 U.S. families registered with the SDA, some of them already in-country. We are asking all American families that are currently in Ukraine or have appointments with SDA during the next few weeks to send their contact information to the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine's Adoption Unit at: Families should contact their local adoption service provider for further updates and details.

The Presidential Decree will become effective immediately upon its publication in the Government's official newspapers, which may be as early as Monday, April 11.

(Copied from the State Department website today, 4.11.11)

We are one of the "already in-country" families of the 134 registered with the SDA. As the notice requests, we have contacted the U.S. Embassy and our adoption agency. Our coordinator in Ukraine has told us that our adoption court date should be Wednesday or Friday (a change from the original Tuesday or Wednesday).

We are fervently praying. We trust the Lord more than reports, governments or individuals.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nothing new - still do not know if court is Tuesday or Wednesday.

Our fourth Sunday in Kyiv.  It was cold and blustery with "off and on" percipitaion of all varieties (rain, ice pellets, snow).  After breakfast and Lucas's school time, Jeanne and I basically had church in our apartment...and it was in English! :-)' Devotions, prayer and thanking God for who He is and all He's done for us.   

Lucas and I headed to the orphanage today while Jeanne stayed back to catch up on work and volunteer responsibilities.  The subways and buses were less busy...maybe due to the yucky weather, yet slower on the way over.

                                            Sasha's rainy day fix - building with Legos.

It was a usual relaxed weekend day at the orphanage. We had lunch and afterwards played a card and dice game.  The sun broke open for a bit and we headed out side for the better part of an hour to play on the playground and play soccer.  Jessie, the orphanage dog and Lucas hung out while Sasha and I played soccer.

Back inside for tea and then a matching card game with a couple of other children.  Headed home after four hours as Jessie escorted Lucas and I all the way to the bus stop. 

After getting back to the apartment, we all went back to Maidan (where the shopping and subway are) to go out to Solo Pizza...a treat!  Then on to ice cream at the food court in the underground mall...another treat!  I picked up a Grisham book in the very small English section of the bookstore as well as some modeling clay for Lucas.

Back at  the apartment, our friends the Moore's knocked on the door for help with their cell phone and stayed for a visit...awesome people.  Lucas watched Marmaduke with their son Matthias (10) for awhile and then ended up rough housing with their older son Zach (15).  Jeanne and I just plain had great conversation with Dave and Nellie.  I'm beginning to think a 3 room living space + bathroom is all one really needs...yeah, right...sell that idea back home. 

I pray God blesses everyone's week with success!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A cold, windy day with off and on sun met us today as we had the privilege of escorting the Boehr family through the subway and bus system all the way to the orphanage. What a bunch of troopers the 4 children and their parents were today! They navigated the daunting escalator that dives deep underground! They jumped on an off the trains with lightening quickness! They stood while the buses jumped over bumps and hurdles and did not slip or fall! They did these and more without a complaint!!!

2 cold and rainy days in a row makes the living room a great place to hang out at the orphanage. The children enjoy photo opps, playing games and climbing on adults. During these times we adults get to witness how the children interact with one another - meaningful and helpful insight as we prepare to parent them!

Sasha and buddies: Andrei, Ilya, Natasha and Lucas.

A big group comes out for a matching game.

Always up for a photo opp!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011


Dave, Lucas and Jeanne: Depart from Kiev, Ukraine Saturday April 16
Arrive in Minnesota Sunday, April 17th.

Igor let us know that some big holidays were coming in Ukraine (plus the post from Chris - thank you!) and since many government offices are closed for Easter and then again in May it makes more sense for Jeanne to travel back to the states for awhile.

The projected return for her to come back to Kiev is around May 1st. Roughly 2 weeks (and many prayers) later she will bring Sasha home.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday, April 7th

Update: Court date will take place on either Tuesday April 12 or Wednesday April 13th.
Corresponding action: Able to exhale at last! (At least a little bit....)

After hearing the great news this morning, we have been taking time (off and on) all day to figure out the game plan from here. Since our original schedule was set to fly back to the U.S. tomorrow, Friday the 8th; we have had to scramble a bit to figure out the new return dates:

The new plan:
Dave and Lucas return to the U.S. on Saturday, April 16th.
Jeanne and Sasha return to the U.S. on Wednesday, May 11th.

Once the court portion is settled the adoption decree is available after 10 days - which falls on a weekend - so Tuesday, April 25th is the soonest the decree can be obtained. Once the decree is obtained 12 days is needed to complete a number of things for Sasha's updated status: a new birth certificate, physical and passport (from the U.S. Embassy).

In the meantime we continue to enjoy and treasure our family adventure in Kiev. Once this is all over (and we re-enter real life) we can't get the time or significance back! We are thankful for many, many things. Our hearts are already overflowing and we still have a lot of time left in the expedition.

Some photos from today:

Lucas 'oversees' Sasha's learning time.

Gametime at the Moore's aparment.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Update: All documents in. HALLELUJAH!! Court date pending.

Details: Our coordinator affirmed at 8:10 PM tonight that all required documents are in the attorney's possession. The next step is to appeal to the judge for a court date. We are praying that as our attorney meets with the judge tomorrow (Thursday) a date will be set to finalize the adoption for no later than next week.

Patience wore a little thin today around the team - including us! At least 2 people were shielded from the challenges and it shows in their faces:

Both Sasha and Lucas make the most of things and manage to have great fun together whether it's lunch time, learning time, tea time or play time. May that always be.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

As I was ready to blog, I heard Jeanne yell, Dave, I need your help! Well this was the scene tonight as our washing machine flooded the bathroom.

Earlier tonight was much more fun when we went with the latest family arriving from MN, the Moores (Dave, Nellie and their two sons Zach and Matthias), for ice cream in Maidan...a 10 minute walk to the center of Kyiv.  Lucas was very excited to meet someone staying in our building like Matthias (10).  We had a great time. Ice cream was good too.

We had a good day at the orphanage.  The boys had a lot of fun.  And I had a gracious customer call my cell for a conference call.

We are still waiting to hear about a court date.  Thank you for your continued prayer and support.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Adoption process update:
        Today's interview completed.
        Document signed by one person, to be finalized and collected tomorrow.
          No court date yet.

Details: The chief officer conducting the interview was one hour late. The orphanage director handled the interview. We waited in the car ready just in case we were asked to appear at the interview.  We do not know what discussion took place in the interview. The only things we know is that one of the signatures was obtained and one more is needed on this document. We have been told the document will be ready tomorrow and our attorney will collect it.

Also today, our attorney planned to run our file passed the judge. The purpose of that pre-meeting is to see if the judge would be asking for any other documents hoping to handle those requests in advance of the court date. We do not know the outcome of that meeting. We also do not know how soon we can expect to have a court date assigned. We will ask tomorrow once we know the outcome of the document retrieval as well as if our attorney was able to see the judge.

Psalm 37:23 The steps of a man are established by the Lord when he delights in his way

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Whoo-hoo...the hot water is back! It was a beautiful Sunday.  Lucas and I headed to the orphange while Jeanne stayed back to get caught up on work and home tasks.

As we approached the orphanage, we saw all the children outside and several adults we didn't recognize with a huge number of bicycles being repaired or ridden by the children. Sergei and the other adults were helping in the repairs.  I counted approximately 17 bikes.  Some were in good condition, some not and a few will need a new tire.  My friend from CT and one of the older children (Vladik) repaired 2 bikes a week ago (e.g., new tubes, tires, pedal, spoke tightening, etc) before he and his family flew home. Wish he was here today!

I finally figured out that the adults I didn't know belong to a foundation that supports the orphanage called Star Dream ( ) who donated these bikes. It was like Christmas - the children all excited with big eyes and smiles everywhere.  Sasha greeted us with a big hug and a "where's mommy" and then, preceeded to point at a bike saying, "me bike."  Then other kids said the same. 

The children worked along side the adults and Vladic too. Repaired tires, chains, brakes, etc and filled them with air.  I also noticed several, new to them, scooters being ridden around.  This was huge and exciting especially after sharing only two bikes and a scooter this year. Spring and Christmas were here together on this Sunday afternoon.

We took a break and had obid (lunch) as a family.  Afterwards we went outside to continue the bike assembly and repair.  Then about 15+ colleged-aged girls came.  I found out they were volunteers for the Star Dream Foundation.  They interacted with the children, played some and then began a traditional spring task of painting the trees and curbing with white wash.  Apparently, this prevents trees from being infected by insects.  We have begun to see this white-wash on many trees in the Kyiv area..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"

Lot's of fresh air and activity outside with bike riding, playground playing, soccer and helping with the beautification project. Lucas and I ended after staying nearly 5 hours. 

Some news items...first, another MN family arrives tomorrow night (the Moores to adopt a girl and a boy). Second, our adoption agency (European Children Adoption Services- Plymouth, MN) just did an email announcement for this summer's hosting program. Some of the children viewed on our blog are available for hosting.  We can genuinely encourage that any of these children would be a blessing to host this August.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Slept in today and started the day with "no hot water"...eyow!  Lucas and I chose to stay stinky and not shave...that was particularly hard for Lucas. 

Left to orphanage around 11:30.  After the subway, I received what I perceived was a tongue lashing from our bus driver for giving him the wrong amount.  Ended up paying him 3 more grivna ( about 40 cents).  He was rough with the other passengers too.  Had a similiar experience with the bus driver on the way back...wierd. I resisted temptation to give it back to them.

All of this reminded me of something Sasha says..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"  To get the full effect picture Sasha with his palms face up and parallel to the floor while shrugging his shoulders as he says, ..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!" I said to Jeanne this would be a great SNL skit and then said, "I smell a blog."  So this is our ..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine" Blog!!!

Uncollared, stray dogs wandering everywhere..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!
Pushing and shoving your way to the exit on the subway..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"
Consuming the entire plate of cookies and chocolates at every tea time..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"
Impatient bus drivers snapping at passengers..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"
Cars having the right a way and parking anywhere they want including the sidewalk...
"Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"
Four or more mounded teaspoons of sugar in your tea..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"
A pack of gum costing more than a bottle of wine..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"
People admonishing parents for a child's untied shoelaces..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"
A springtime chore of burning piles of leaves/branches uncontained  in their front yards ..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"
Water in a restaurant costing more than a glass of beer..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"
Instead of a Starbucks on every corner, beer and pop kiosks at every bus stop ..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"
Smoking areas are the best seating in the restaurant..."Iss ukay...iss Ukraine!"


Around the orphanage today:

Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hey! We're back in MN! April Fools! ...actually a bit of MN came to us in the form of the Boehr Family.  They flew in last night...all 6 of them...Jill and Bruce and their 4 children, Brian (11), Stephanie (10), Katie (7) and Olivia (5).  They're here to adopt a 10 year old boy...Ilya.

They hosted last summer and our Ukraine boys talked to each other quite a lot by phone over that time so it's great for us and the boys to have the connection. In fact, at the orphanage today, a lot of the boys including Sasha and Illya we're playing soccer.  Another good work out on a beautiful sunny and warm Spring day.  Thank you, God!

I had some business to attend to early this morning so Jeanne and Lucas made the trip alone.  A good trial run for Jeanne since she'll be doing it by herself on the last leg of this journey.  I came an 1 1/2 hours later with the lunch.  I was greeted by some hungry boys and their mom! 

We had some of the usual activities...greeting Jessie, a little wrestling, playing on the playground, bicycle, swing, cards and English learning time with mom and then, the big soccer game when the rest of the children returned home from school.

Jeanne went back to the apartment early today so Lucas and I took the bus-subway journey ourselves.  I asked him how he was doing being in Ukraine and away from home.  He said he missed Sadie, his friends and school.  He wasn’t overtly sad but you could tell it’s been a long time away in a strange country for a little guy.  I told him how proud mommy and I were of him.

On the subway home plans were made to take Boehr's to our favorite Kiev Pizza place...Solo Pizza.  Since it's hard to give directions when the signs are in the cyrillic alphabet I headed to their apartment across from the Opera House (awesome view) and escorted them to Solo's. The restaurant is next to the Subway and the underground mall Jeanne raves about and Bruce said reminded him of Rosedale.

We had a great time and our families meshed very well.  Lucas was excited about English speaking were we. We were placed in a large booth in a far corner that beckoned "for large group of loud Americans" and we loved it. Our waiter Sasha was a good sport and even knew some English. It was good pizza with salad for the adults and banana splits for the kids afterwards.  It was also the most English we spoke outside of immediate family since the other family went back to Connecticut.  Glad we haven't lost our language......