Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday, April 7th

Update: Court date will take place on either Tuesday April 12 or Wednesday April 13th.
Corresponding action: Able to exhale at last! (At least a little bit....)

After hearing the great news this morning, we have been taking time (off and on) all day to figure out the game plan from here. Since our original schedule was set to fly back to the U.S. tomorrow, Friday the 8th; we have had to scramble a bit to figure out the new return dates:

The new plan:
Dave and Lucas return to the U.S. on Saturday, April 16th.
Jeanne and Sasha return to the U.S. on Wednesday, May 11th.

Once the court portion is settled the adoption decree is available after 10 days - which falls on a weekend - so Tuesday, April 25th is the soonest the decree can be obtained. Once the decree is obtained 12 days is needed to complete a number of things for Sasha's updated status: a new birth certificate, physical and passport (from the U.S. Embassy).

In the meantime we continue to enjoy and treasure our family adventure in Kiev. Once this is all over (and we re-enter real life) we can't get the time or significance back! We are thankful for many, many things. Our hearts are already overflowing and we still have a lot of time left in the expedition.

Some photos from today:

Lucas 'oversees' Sasha's learning time.

Gametime at the Moore's aparment.


  1. Hi, Please be sure to double check with your facilitator and orphanage director before making your travel plans back. You can check on the US embassy web page, but you are going to run into a bunch of Ukrainian holidays shortly. April 24, 25 - May 1, 2, 3 - and May 9. The embassy is closed these days as well as Ukrainian offices which will make if very hard vor you to complete everything on Tuesday May 10th to have Visas in hand to fly out the 11th. You can ger my Email address from the Moore's or Boehr's if you want to discuss. Chris Haak

  2. Oh, it's so wonderful to have so many looking out for you. Fantastic news about the court date. It's real. It is all happening - not as fast as you would like, but it is happening.

  3. Good news on the court date. Will keep praying.
