Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

With the addition of Jason (Sasha) to our family, we can say things we couldn't say before like:
  • "Our Family is doubling the amount of children we have." or
  • "The four of us will be attending church." or
  • "Half of us will be flying from Kiev back to the U.S. on May 21st."                                           
...Cool sounding things like that.

The travel plans are official:

May 1st:  Jeanne will fly out from Minneapolis on Sunday, May 1st at 12:46 PM and land in Kiev on Monday, May 2nd at 1:15 PM.

May 21st:  Jeanne and Jason (or the Double J ) will fly back from Kiev on Saturday, May 21st at 5:35 AM and land in Minneapolis the same day at 6:29 PM.

The length of time to complete the adoption process had to be extended due to the amount of national Ukraine holidays in May where offices are closed (including the U.S. Embassy). Naturally, we are praying that everything goes faster than planned so we can come back home sooner.


  1. Or... BOTH of our childREN are so cute and charming! : ) Loved all the new phrases you can say now! Glad to hear your second trip is taking shape, Jeanne. I pray you are refreshed before returning for round two.

    Have a blessed Easter!

    With love from the Boehrs family

  2. Jeanne and Dave,
    I got some video of Jason today. I'm going to post it on our page with some Jason info...a special Jason Ritzman Post.

    Ok, now Jeanne and Dave, down to business. What favor could I return in exchange for a jar of Jif or Skippy peanut butter, and about 6 boxes of Kraft Mac N Cheese when Jeanne returns. I'll pay for the items and whatever kings ransom you think is appropriate.
