Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The newly updated House Sitter Manual is ready for printing.

Now, for someone that actually reads owner's manuals (and is always glad they did) this is an obvious step in preparation for long distance travel. (Not sure how many past house sitters have actually looked in the manual.)  Since the house has its own quirks the manual helps to point those out. The dishwasher that runs only the super wash cycle is an example. The bottom up/top down shades are another.

Of course the dog has quirks too. That's why there are 6 pages devoted to Sadie. When the owners of the dog are 8 time zones away it helps the caretaker to be able to read and see that, yes, Sadie may not eat for a full 24 hours. She will indeed live. It's not a ploy to get people food. Well, maybe it is, but that's in the manual too.

The truth is that even if a prospective house sitter said they did not need a manual one would still be created. A potentially well-informed caretaker is better than a potentially uninformed one. Plus, the author of the manual feels better being able to say "I am sorry that happened! Did you read the manual, chapter 4 page 2?"


  1. Just remember, everything will work out. It's like the frantic brides planning the wedding, tearing their hair out over every last detail, fearing something's forgotten. Then when the wedding day arrives, everything is wonderful. Even if something goes wrong or is forgotten, it is dealt with on the spur of the moment and nobody else is the wiser. This trip, no, whole journey, will be so great with the million dollar lottery win at the end - Sasha. You two will be able to deal with every detail as needed because you are blessed. You are so strong.


  2. i feel you, jeanne! i always greatly appreciated instructions/information when house-sitting. it just put me at ease, as the house-sitter, knowing information was available without having to bother the owners. :)
