Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another quick one, alas! It is 11 PM and we have an early meeting at the Adoption Center so we need to sleep! We are excited for this next step in our journey - the first legal steps as far as Ukraine is concerned. We will be with our attorney, Viktor. A warm, gregarious, quick-witted and intelligent man that has a passion for the adoption process.

We spent almost 4 hours at the orphanage today. The drive took about 45 minutes (Kievites drive like New Yorkers!) and we were all pretty quiet feeling kind of like it does when you go to visit someone at the hospital. But when we got there not a all! The reunion with Sasha was electric - as if no time had passed. Now, on his turf, he proudly gave us a tour. The building is well-planned with a warm feel. It sits in the midst of an area that looks very broken compared to parts of Ukraine we have seen so far.

We saw some of the kids from last summer but it was a school day plus they have teachers come in the orphanage for other classes so all the children were very busy. We will be there every day we are told so I am looking forward to seeing and visiting with all the children. Lucas ditched us most of the time to be with Sasha and play with the others. They welcomed him with open arms - a truly delightful group of children. Another adopting family from Conneticut was there. They are adopting their second from Ukraine bringing their total of children to 6 (their oldest biological child is 25).

Thank for prayer and support and encouragement. Love getting the emails, love getting the blog comments. I look forward to a steadier pattern in the next few days so we have more time to write indivdually and collectively. Plus pictures!

Time to go. I want to stay up and write more though! Please pray for the internet situation - Dave's laptop is rejecting the internet connection and that literally effects business. We have battery recharge power now - Igor, the coordinator, had the right adapter - thank you Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Please give Georgiy a very big hug and tell him that Mama Cathy and Papa Dave miss him very much!

