Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

12 days until we fly to Kiev, Ukraine. Amazing to realize that one year ago we didn't know that Oleksandr (Sasha) Koshevyy existed. That we did not know that our hearts could hold another child. That we did not know about a program for hosting orphans.

12 days until we fly to Kiev. Sasha will be at home with us, God willing, by the end of April. We meet with our U.S. adoption agency tomorrow, Wednesday March 2nd. A timeline will be projected for each step of documentation with Ukraine agencys, welfare offices, the court appearance, embassy filings, and orphanage visitations.

12 days until we fly to Kiev. Dave, Lucas and I going to Sasha's birthplace. We can hardly wait to see, smell, touch and experience the people, the culture, the land that Sasha has called home for 11 years (or in Lucas' words: Sasha's whole life).

12 days until we fly to Kiev. Amazing to realize that one year ago Oleksandr (Sasha) Koshevyy did not know the Ritzman family existed.

1 comment:

  1. I love the blog! I will be following and praying every step of the way!
