Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011 (updated)

Some ramblings for this morning:
  • Very thankful for a great husband and the teamwork in our marriage. Dave made a motion (out of the blue) that we do whatever it takes to tag-team this next 10 days even in each other's lanes! I wholeheartedly seconded.....
  • Sasha's request for a name change. Last summer at the meeting where we asked Sasha to join our family he told us he wants to be called Jason. (He saw a singer or rock star with the name he said.) The name means "healer" in Greek.......
  • 2 rooms does not mean 2 bedrooms. Yesterday at the 'big' meeting with the agency we found out our accomodations in Kiev will be a 2-room apartment. We had been hoping that meant 2 bedrooms........
  • Rolling around in my spirit today: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. I Chronicles 16:34
We don't need a drumroll for this, right? The travel plans will be: Dave, Jeanne, Lucas travel to Kiev, Ukraine Sunday, March 3rd. Beginning Thursday, April 7th the three of us will return to the US. Within ten days (required) only Jeanne will go back to Kiev to finish phase two of the paperwork (14 days for this part) and bring Sasha home. Wow - the bring Sasha home part makes my heart beat a little faster!!


  1. Thanks for setting up the blog. I have thinking that we need to do this as well (just don't know how to do it :)). Your blog will be very helpful for us as we anxiously follow your story and your timeline. Our documents will be filed with the Adoption Center on March 9 so hopefully we will see Jeanne in Kiev. You are in our thoughts and prayers. The Landrys

  2. Wow, a name change too! He really wants to have a total identity change to go along with his new family. Can't blame him. He is truly happy to be starting his life anew.
    And I like the travel plans. You're a brave girl, Jeanne.

  3. After our kid's tears dried from sharing the news of Grandpa Novack's passing this morning, Tess said that she needed some good news. I immediately jumped up=ran to the computer. All 3 kids cheered for joy when I shared the Ritzman news with them. The consenus at the breakfast table: Tasha (Jason)is lucky, and finally some good news for our family to pray about! Blessings on each of you!

  4. Jeanne,
    The Haak's shared with me that Victor can help you get a better apartment if you need one. They changed apartments two days after they were in Kiev. We're glad you posted here about it, because we're going to need a bigger place with high speed internet.
