Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

When the plans and preparations were made to be out of the country for a month, one of the most underestimated areas was the need for communication from friends and family.  When the 'norms' and routines of regular life are set aside for the sake of life in the new place, being connected to the relationships you value the most keeps you healthy.

When, at the end of the day, the email is opened and a note from a family member or friend is there it's like opening the post office box and getting nice card. When someone takes a few minutes to write a line or two about what they did that day or how work is going or how they talked to so-and-so it's like getting a bouquet of flowers! But, alas, some days there are no flowers. Some days there are no cards.

Because the blog is a broadcast of sorts the response time is limited (even unnecessary). So, while not every email will get answered - the guarantee is that every one will get read. Every one will be shared. Every one will be treasured.


A few have asked about remaining travel - the blog post for March 3rd remains in effect: Dave, Jeanne and Lucas will be back in the U.S. Saturday, April 9th. About 10 days later (the official waiting period after the court date) Jeanne will go back to Kiev to finish the paperwork with Ukraine and the U.S. State Department and then bring Sasha home - travel completed by the end of April.

We will update the blog if this changes. Hopefully this week we will find out the court date for the adoption.

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