Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

We acted like true city-dwellers today. With a small washing machine, no clothes dryer and white clothes having turned gray and black drying whereever there's room. It was a lazy morning of reading, knitting, more laundry and X-men can guess who did what...that's right, I, Dave was...knitting!  ;-D

Then, lunch and all of us to the park cross the street. Lucas had more than a little energy to burn and did a great job of it at the park.  He "skiied" down the slick, metal slide attached to the cement sculpted castle...ran a few laps from the iron and bronzed lion...around the castle and then to the end of the small park and back again...Bravo, Lucas!

We left the park and cut through the grounds of St. Michael's Cathederal.  There were a lot of military personnel there.  There must have been an event. We also saw a beautiful bride and her groom out front getting pictures taken.  From there we headed to the tram ride down to the Dnipro River.

For Lucas, the tram was like an amusement park ride. We were packed in with others and it was a steep hill to the bottom.

Getting out we discovered we were on a main shopping and cafe type of street.  Jeanne was giving me the "I'm-cold-can-we-find-a-cafe-for-tea" look.  Actually a great idea.

After the cafe, we walked along when suddenly it began to snow.  Jeanne had mentioned this at breakfast along with a high for the day of 44.  However, everything FEELS 10 degrees colder.  When snow started really comin'down...made us kinda homesick ;-D...and then, trammed back up the hill.  Amazing how snow can make the city that much more beautiful.

On the tram back, we met a mother and her 8 year old son-Dima.  Both could speak English fairly well so Lucas and Dima played a little in the park.  I was proud of him b/c he'd been reluctant 'til then to play with any children at the playground...I think he's embarassed of the language difference. They teeter-tottered, climbed and even, shared his handheld game on a nearby bench.

We headed back to the ranch to warm up and decide on dinner...pasta at the Ritzmans.  We turned on the gas to the stove w/o being blow'd up.  Jeanne got the water goin' and I headed to the market to get a few items including a great bottle of Merlot for only 27 Grivna  (that's Kyiv version of Trader Joe's 3 buck chuck but better quality).

So now uncorking the bottle for a glass, Lucas is tucked in bed.

We want you to know your prayers are so important and paying off...keep praying.  We have an appointment at 4 PM on Monday with the SDA (again)...the key document is signed and SDA decides if we are permitted (by them to pursue adoption in their country)...I take nothing for granted...I pray and we are glad you do too.  God Bless!


  1. Once again you have brought me tears of over whelming joy...we are praying and can't for the next update. We miss you and love hearing from you! Jules

  2. Praise the Lord for all He is doing! Will pray for you. Dave, crocheting is easier than knitting, you should try it.:)
