Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh happy day...Ohhh happpy day-a-ay...when Jesus walked...ya, when He walk-a-alked. He took my cares away...I remember this song on the radio as a boy (givin' away my age). The Edwin Hawkins Singers. 

It felt like that kinda day today...PTL!
  • It was truly Spring...mid-50s and sunny. 
  • The adjustments we made for a smoother flow at home and the orphanage worked!
  • Found a great buy* on a DVD  "Despicable Me" (not trying to rap here ;-)
  • Enjoying simple pleasures at dinner with grilled tuna & cheese sandwiches, fresh broccoli, sliced/salted cucumbers and orange slices
  • Thankful hearts for God's peace, grace, provision and protection. 
  • Flowers, flowers and more flowers as vendors sell fresh and beautiful arrays at the subway (we bought a bouquet for the orphanage director, Tatiana...Big Smiles as Lucas handed them to her.)

At the orphanage:
Several of the younger children were home from school for some reason.  That's always good for Lucas because he and the children really enjoy each other's company. 

We spent the first hour in learning time with Sasha to help him learn English better.  It was a special time for Jeanne and Sasha.  After lunch, we tried to stay out most of the time because it was so warm. 

Before going out, the boys (Lucas, Sasha, Georigy and Andre) as well as myself had a little basketball clinic a la the Harlem Globe Trotters...spinning BBalls or soccer balls and rolling them from one hand to another via past our necks.  Then everything busted out into a wrestling match a la "cage style" wrestling as opposed to Big Ten wrestling...more WWF with tickling ( or "shickles" as pronounced in Ukranian...I heard a lot of..."no shickles"...I wonder why...hmm).  We had your usual "noogies", "pile drivers", "souffle's" , etc with only a couple bent fingers or stepped on toes.  It was all good 'n' fun.

Outside we alternated with Sasha bicycle riding or Lucas playing on playground stuff and then, all of us playing soccer.  Children started comin' home from school and some joined in.  We also had our afternoon tea.  This is a habit we'd like to incorporate at home.  It's great chill time and family time for about 20 minutes...good treats too.

Over 4 1/2 hours past by quickly and it was time to say goodbye 'til Zaftra (tomorrow). 

PRAYER REQUEST:  Please pray for us to get to the court date scheduled. Our return flight to MN is about a week away.  There is one specific document completed and literally sitting on a Government Official's desk waiting for their signature.  Without it, there will be no court date.  Thank you so much to all of you that pray for us.  We treasure your prayers and they are effective! Please feel free to send you requests to us - we are glad to add our faith. God Bless you all!

* The details of the DVD deal: $65 Grivnah ($8 USD) vs. the pre-sale email I received today from Best Buy for $19.95.  It's a "guy thing"  =D


  1. Jeanne and Dave,
    Praying tonight and fasting for persecuted Churches in Egypt and also for this bureaucrat. We heard the details, and it is time to move this mountain out of the way. I feel sorry for the guy...God is going to move.

  2. Hi Jeanne and Dave. Thanks so much for sharing. It is wonderful to see the photos and hearing your experiences at the orphanage. It is most definitely a thrill to see photos of Georgiy. We miss him so much. I have a request. If you could, please give him a big hug from his Mama Cathy and Papa Dave. Tell him we love him and miss him very much. We are working very hard to get everything together to get there as soon as possible. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and that all things go accordingly to his plans. God Bless!

  3. Praying diligently for the Government Official's signature and for the court date to get scheduled. Love and hugs to all! Judy

  4. Hi Ritzman's:

    Praying for a signature to get a court date scheduled. ON IT!! We're delighted to follow your blog and that Spring has sprung.

  5. We are with you all the way. Today (the 31st) is going to be another great day! As Case says, "S'all good. Don't worry. It WILL be done." ;-)
