Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Headed to the subway at 10 am today.  A bit snowy.  Grabbed a bus and we were at the orphanage in an hour.

Lucas was excited as too.  The vacation part is somewhat over...the newness, the novelty, some ways we expected it and now we just want to "git 'r done."  However, we are enjoying the journey, trusting God and continually asking for His help, His favor and His protection over us as a family (4 of us) and the process.

At the orphanage we had fun playing games, soccer, visiting our dog friend- Jessie (we fed her bread from the kitchen...heh...heh).  Lucas actually saw her bury 2 pieces.  I think she has a number of stashes all over the play area. We also had tea with the other family and our respective Ukraine kids during nap/rest time. I think our Sasha and their child feel pretty special as they opt out of things like the 3 hour naptime. Right after naptime the 'new' TV arrived. Guess it's a 'guy' thing all over the world.....

We met with Igor the coordinator today. He is very caring as he watches over the process and we trust him.  He was helpful to give us a better context about our estimated times and dates from here on out. The ones we were given by our agency in MN were based on past experience with adoption in Ukraine. Of course past experience is usually a good indicator of future performance...... 

But, as he further explained, that experience was gained in a previous Ukraine President's administration. Igor and his team had well developed and trusting relationships. The levels of government got things done relatively effeciently from level to level, region to region. That's changed.

The new President and Administration (I believe it was last Spring) has all new people all the way down to local offices. His roots, from what I've read are in Russian communism, culture and ideology. There's a general lack of trust. There are many new people trying to do jobs that were done perfectly well by others. Time in signing basic things takes the maximum allowed. Little or no delegation is happening so the 'chiefs' are overloaded. For attorneys like Viktor there are twists and turns as the game is the same but some of the rules have changed along with the players.

Why all this explanation on the Blog Dave?  You're "bringin' me down, Dave! First, we are not afraid. Better to be warned and praying in advance than not to be warned and not praying! Jeanne and I actually appreciated knowing from Igor the truth of how fluid the situation is and we can now pray specifically.  We do not serve a Lord who's arm is too short.  We serve a big God and we "can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us" (Philippians 4:13).

We ended the day walking from the orphanage to the market where we picked up fresh fruit and yet another cereal to try. Catching the bus we stood for 30 minutes getting to the subway. At the end of the subway we got off at the right station but took the wrong exit to the street level. We came out to pouring rain and 'surprise' another McDonald's (that's 2 in just a few blocks - have we said it already - they love McDonald's here!). Walking in the rain and feeling lost we considered a taxi but realized we don't know how to say our address audibly. Plan B - stop for dinner, dry off and regroup at the little cafe near the apartment - a cozy place with good food and great service. Now if we could just pronounce the name....

1 comment:

  1. We very much appreciate your insight! Thank you for keeping us updated!
