Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

At this writing (10:07 PM...6:07 AM Sat-Kyiv), Jeanne and Jason as well as Bruce Boehrs and Nathan are one hour in their flight (arriving Sat, 6:29 @ MSP).  Jeanne should be writing this but a full Friday and a need to pack and sleep by 9:00 only to awake at 2:30 am to get ready and have Sergei drive to KBP airport at 3:00 AM to be 2 hours early for a 5:30 AM flight understandably put a damper on the blog writing.  I'll do my best based on the brief Skype recap of the day and what I know from experience. Jeanne can detail later.

If I got it right...Jeanne said, "there was incredible joy in a place of mourning," as describing their last day in Kyiv (at least for a good while). Saying goodbye to close friends or family you won't see'til the next holiday or vacation has brought my nieces and nephews to tears over the years and yet they were esctatic to be with one another for awhile and anticipating the next time.

I can't imagine the feelings Jeanne and especially, Jason (Sasha) felt looking forward to the next chapter in life with great joy yet saying goodbye to friends, children and staff at the orphanage whose hearts are knitted with ours over the past couple months and years for Sasha.  Fortunately, his closest friend Ilya, now Nathan, and his father Bruce are on the same flights returning home and friendship continues in a new land with their forever families.

It was a day of "lasts" that brought a dichotomy of joy and mourning in the very same experience for Jeanne and Sasha...Last walk to and from Maidan, last subway ride, last bus ride, last visit to school, last visit to orphange, last conversations, last laughs, last tears shared, etc. 

Children gathered, children set alone, children celebrated, children cried, children hoped.
It was an awesome day according to Jeanne...just one full of joy and mourning experienced within each child and adult in the same celebration and goodbye.

Sergei drove Jeanne and Bruce to the "big" market where four traditional Kyiv cakes the children love and chocolate eauclairs were purchased for the party.  The women at the orphanage kitchen prepared everything and chai with love and care as they always do.  Tables were set for everyone...children, staff, teachers, counselors and five MN families (Ritzmans, Boehrs, Moores, Dilners and Landrys).

It was a party...a celebration and a mourning of relationships changing all at the same time. Everyone talked and laughed and embraced. Nathan, coming home with Sasha and not extroverted by nature, stood up at one point saying, I hope all the kids here find famillies. Amen, we pray they all do for they are good children.

Below are few pictures from the awesome day and celebration at the Children of Cradles Hope Orphanage.

Girl on left (Natasha) and girl on right (Anjelica) both need a forever family.

Boy along wall in red (Andrej) and boy on left sitting in Blue & White (Shani) both need a family.

Spending 5 weeks and Jeanne even longer with the children mentioned, I know these children and know they would not only be hugely blessed to find a forever family but they would be a blessing to that family.  Let God speak to your heart.

Tommorrow, we welcome Jeanne and Jason Shasha Ritzman home!  Lucas and I are excited!

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