Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Tomorrow we make our usual weekend call to Sasha at the orphanage. It's always a bit humorous. When the caregiver answers the phone we ask to speak with Sasha (in English since the little Russian or Ukrainian we attempt just exasperates) and they answer in their language and then sometimes just hang up. We assume they have said he is sledding or taking a walk or something but we don't know for sure until the next time we talk with him.  The other calls are priceless, however, when the caregiver replies 'da' and the next voice we hear says "Hi Mommy, Hi Poppi, where Lucas?"
8.5 days until we board the flight to Amsterdam connecting to Ukraine. The days get shorter and the to-do list gets longer! Some big things taken care of yesterday though - we have much relief after meeting the dog care and house sitting team for Sadie. In addition, our couple's bible study will be in good hands with trained host/leaders. Provision like this and so much more creates a kind of awe at the generosity of friends and family. We know where our helps come from - and when he flows that help through people - we experience a whole new wave of thankfulness that words just can't express.
Ps 121:1 I will lift up my eyes to the hills-From whence comes my help? (2) My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.

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