Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

We started the day with this frame of mind: Psalm 100:4 Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. We recounted the many things we are thankful for today:

A great team of people working for orphaned children in Ukraine.
That Lucas gets to be part of this expeditition.
Internet access for both laptops (finally) and the ability to continue personal and business communication.
Smooth transition for all of us with little or no jet-lag.
Quick settling into lodging and life in a foreign country.
Finding a new routine that encompasses our daily disciplines.
Those that came last year and the insight they shared.
Grace for the challenges of international adoption.
The voices in prayer adding their petitions daily.
That's how the day began and the rest of the day was even more amazing:
  • A concert at the orphanage.
  • Official re-naming of Oleksandr Koshevyy.
  • A high level family meeting entertaining 8 more adoptions.
  • The impact of new admissions - a sibling group of 3.
If we don't get to all of the these tonight we will in the next few days. The clock striketh midnight and at least one of us needs our beauty sleep.......

Today we were invited to the orphanage for a special production of we-don't-know-what-because-we-don't-understand-Russian. All 25 of the children performed with the help of a teacher and a director - complete with costumes, singing, dancing and narrative.

The purpose of the event was to prepare a fundraising video by the owners of Moscow company. Those 2 plus a management team of 10 came to visit the orphanage, film the video and bless the children with toys and a computer.

The staff of the orphanage were on their top game. The Moscow company owners brought their best contributions. The children were completely themselves - displaying their gifts to act, dance, narrate, support. They were unified in one other goal - to help and encourage each other.

Stay tuned. We have precious video footage and will try to send tomorrow - uploading on this network is taking too long for tonight.......


  1. We love the line "We dont know what because we dont understand Russian!" Even though you dont understand Russian, always remember that Sasha does understand love--that word and feeling is universal---and it is the basis of a "forever family"--peace and pleasant dreams!

    The Novacks

  2. Thank you for sharing so many details about your experience and Kiev. The pictures of the concert are wonderful. We think we spotted an unhappy Kirill in one of them (maybe he doesn't like bow ties). We have a call with him on Saturday so it will be fun to ask him about the concert. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. The Landrys
