Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011 sLIceS of LiFE 2

Well...a couple weekends have passed by since our last blog.  We are actually minutes away from picking up our Chinese Student, Bob (13 y/o) being dropped off at Woodcrest Church as a part of a Cultural Exchange program for their month long visit in America.  He's with us for 10 days...full house with a rich blend of culture...all good.

Two weekends  ago, Lucas and I had a Cub Scout Camping Weekend at Camp Akela in Cannon Falls.  We went last year and had a blast...ditto this year although I heard "i'm bored" for a couple hours Saturday afternoon before swimming...after a great hour of swimming, we were both GTG again. 

                                            Dad and Lucas at BB Gun Range

Our Pack (455) had about 30 parents and kids with our Den of Bears having six.  Lucas loves everything water (swimming, canoeing, row boatin') as well as everything camp fire (skits, s'mores, etc.).  This was a District run camp.  They have volunteer and hired Boy Scouts and Adventure Scouts completely running everything including cafeteria-provided meals, campsite set up, assigned Den Chiefs to our Pack and all really cool activities on a rotation schedule throughout Saturday-Sunday.

We got to go to the barn/farm, nature activity, BB guns, Archery, Swimming twice, earned a whittliing chip and whittled a race car out of a bar of soap, had shop where we learned tools and Lucas made a very nice tool box, canoeing, ballistics (catapaults and slingshotted tennis balls 150 yds plus), campfires, skits by staff and back at the Pack campfire too.  How can one get bore?  Tired...yes.  A little bitten by bugs...yes.  Smelly and dirty...for sure...

Rockin' 'n' rollin' in your tent as an early Sunday morning thunderstorm with howling winds came through...oh yeah! Bored, no way,  Lucas said, "Dad, I hear other kids cryin."  I said I could understand...the storm was BIG.  Lucas was a little scared and so was I.  I had the tent tied down good, prayed and we just relaxed to ttry to sleep again. We did get a little water.  The rain came down so hard with the blowing wind the canvas couldn't repel it quick enough.

On the other side of the family, Jeanne and Jason spent time and even ended up in Cannon Falls Saturday at the brand new coliseum to see cousins Rachael and Alex barrel race...very cool!

During the week, Jason continues to go to summer school and Lucas started a 2 week summer camp at the Egan H.S. called, "Summer Stage."  Lucas went to SS last year too.  Music, singing, dance and of course, acting alll taught by a quality and experienced group of young people as teachers. They both have checked out the sprinkler park in AV and books/videos at the Rosemount Library.  They like the library.  They also love biking.

This past weekend we headed to Grandma Jan's cabin...even Sadie.  It was a hot 'n' humid one but not too bad at the lake with its breezes and a shaded cabin.  Boys immediately went into the water.  I walked Sadie but the early evening horse fly population along the road in the woods was too much...we cut it short and had a much better early morning walk. 

Uncle Tony was up and so was Cousin Mike and his sweetheart Lindsay...with their new German Lab puppy--Reagan.  Jeanne and I took on the job of taking most all the branches from all the trees fallen from the July 4th weeknd storm (F3 tornado) to the street for chippin' by the township.  Hard, sweaty work but we're glad to do our share along with the hardworkin' crew (Tony, Joel, Zuzeks, Thoresons) of the 4th weekend.  I couldn't imagine what they faced and their hard effort in cutting down trees, cutting them up, stacking and piling branches. The drive from Grantsburg on was amazing as far as all the fallen trees and that's 2 weeks after the storm.

The boys had great time in the water playing and dad even swam "laps" with Lucas, wrestled and threw them both around for a couple hours.  Saturday was topped off with tubing in Uncle T's boat and pontooning with mom, Lindsey and Mike, who got the thang started and running well...thank you , Mike!.  Mike also taught Jason to use his fly fishin' pole to cast and Jason was excited to catch his 1st fish with a pole (did so before usin' a net).  After the after-dinner pontoon ride, he spent the rest of the evening on the dock fishin' while we got the fire on the beach goin'. Kids were toast at bedtime as were Jeanne and I. But we unwound by staying up some more with family.

Sunday we headed home early to go to the Eagan Community Theater's "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat."  One of Lucas's teachers from Summer Stage was "Joseph" a 20 y/o kid who had an amazing voice as well as solid acting.  Lucas's cousin Jake and friend Katie were also in the choir.  A great performance by all and we all enjoyed it.

GTG...our student Bob and 53 other Chinese students arrived late but should be at the church about 10 pm.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2001_sLICeS of aMEriCAnA or why doesn't this blog write itself

Well...thee ol' blog machine has certainly slowed since the adoption is now complete.  However, life is goin' on... It's been six weeks since Jeanne and Jason have returned.  We are blessed to be a family, are bonding as one and in the throes of adjustment as a new family.

We are enjoying life from hide 'n' seek in the backyard, selling toys to make some money, to birthdays & Fathers day to family and holiday gatherings at home and at the lake...sLiCEs of LifE.

Here's an update from Memorial Day Weekend through Independence Day Weekend...here's THE LIST of "slices":
  • Visiting and BBQ at the St.Louis Park Ritzman's (Dean,, Nan & our nephew Case...also 3 dogs including their newest TV star dog featured on KARE 11-"Puff").  Great hangin' out. Case is high on the COOL scale.  Jason continually asks, "when we go see Casey?" Case was awesome playing, skate boarding, BMX-ing and hangin' out with Lucas and Jason.
  • Visiting and celebrating (on the Bour side...Jeanne's fam) our niece Brianne and her new husband Nathans's marriage to one another at a reception 4 months post-wedding at her parents house.  Great weather, food and company.  Boys had a great time playing with cousins, uncles and aunts...especially wrestling with cousin Jon and Aunt Cindy's "Art Class" as we called it (for the boys) when she set silver plated plastic silverware on fire...kinda like sparklers...ooh, shiney!
  • Went to the lake for Fathers day and Lucas's family birthday.  Just our family and Uncle Tony.  We had a great time in the water, firepit, lawn mowin' and ridin' the waves at 30+ mph with Uncle Tony and Dad takin' turns with the boys.  We love the cabin life!!!
  • Then, Lucas, Jason, 8 other friends and us had a wonderful time partying and celebrating Lucas's Birthday at Farmington Lanes.  Everyone of the kids was so edifying of Lucas and encouraging of one another as they bowled, ate pizza and cake, and then, opened gifts.  We were so proud of these children at what total joy and freedom they had with both fun and respect. One of the best birthdays.  Happy Birthday, Buddy! We love you!
  • Family (Zuzek-Bour) Annual Golf outing and Party.  Thank you Grandma Jan for watching the boys as we golfed.  Truly enjoyed the golfing and adult time before the family party.  Thanks Johnny Z. for hosting an outstanding family event again.  The boys had a great time again with all their cousins and rocket launching in the front yard and trampoline in the back.
  • Independence Day Weekend was one of the best ever.  We received Jason's certificate of U.S. citizenship on that Friday...how appropriate.  We stayed in the cities because we wanted him to experience the celebration of his new country's birthday and freedom.  Friday, friends (uncle) Bill and (aunt) Pam invited us all for a delicious dinner at their house.  Their son Ryan, a Soph at KU, made the boys feel real special as they ate together.  As adults, we got quality time and the boys got surround sound premium audio & video on a 92 inch screen for a viewing of "Descipcable Me"...way to go Uncle Bill!!! Saturday, our friends in the adoption process, The Boehrs, came over for a BBQ and fun. They brought their 5 children including Jason's friend, Nathan, adopted from the same orphanage and returned home together on the same flight.  Wonderful time! Below, the kids are eating on the sport court.
  • On Sunday, Jeanne took me to Alexis Bailley Winery for goodies and jazz for my birthday while GREAT Aunt Jackie took the boys to see "Mr. Popper's Penguins."  Thank you Sweetie for a great gift of time with you in an awsome setting. As a family, Jeanne and the boys surpised me later with cards and gifts as did our neighbors the Wahowskes.  We then all loaded up in the car and headed to Bloomington for fireworks...they were fantastic!  Monday (4th)...to the Apple Valley Parade...Fly- over of WWII War Birds, great bands, floats, queens, military presence, clowns, Shriners and only a couple politicians (perfect)...everything that made for an enjoyable 4th of July celebration and then to our neighbors pool for a swim...thanks Mike and Heidi!  The boys love all things water...pools, lakes, sprinklers, sprinkler parks in AV as well as MN Zoo  and Cascade Bay WaterPark.

That's, for the most part, all caught up.  Boys are biking a lot. Jason loves summer school which is helping him further immerse in language and culture.  Our church rocks! Twins have a shot. And summer weather is finally here.

We have more to blog...hopefully in a sooner timeframe than last.